Inspire Services
Inspire services are geared towards personal and business customers looking to grow their wealth.
In addition we work with Accountants offering tax and investment advice for their customers.

Are you financially independent? If not, why not? The only reason you are not is "Lifestyle" and the cost of this lifestyle.
Lifestyle is what people want!
Instead of reducing your lifestyle down to living in a shack in Kathmandu without any luxuries, we want you to live the life you have always dreamed of without any worries, especially financial worries! You also need to do this as soon as possible, as health can become an issue and you will have less time as you get older.
Are you happy with your lifestyle? Would you want the same lifestyle when you stop working? Do you want a bigger and therefore more expensive retirement lifestyle?
This lifestyle can be measured and at Inspire we will cash flow to create (from your existing arrangements) and demonstrate what the future could look like based on what you want!!
Besides lifestyle, there may be other dreams that you need money for. So "Dream Big" and write down these dreams and share them!
Big dreams might be the following:-
- Buying a business
- Holiday home
- Luxury car
- Luxury boat or yacht
Smaller dreams might be the following:-
- Dream holiday
- New kitchen
- Savings for your children - house deposit, car, driving lessons
Imagine a wealthier future!

We have a range of investment strategies to suit your risk appetite. Our investment approach is determined by our Investment Committee who meet regularly.
After taking guidance from other professional sources, we consider what is happening in the wider world along with what is happening in the investment world and then we carefully construct the asset components into a specific risk-controlled strategy that can be matched to any individual investor.
These strategies consist of investment funds which are carefully identified and screened from the independent market place. Modern Portfolio Statistics like Alpha and Sharpe ratios are used to identify outperformance against risk and their relevant sectors and other performance related analysis is used along with independent fund ratings.
Tactical Asset Allocation
Tactical asset allocation (TAA) is a dynamic investment strategy that actively adjusts a portfolio’s asset allocation.
Long term risk and return expectations (Strategic Asset Allocations) are measured and constructed into a risk and return benchmark.
These asset allocations are then adjusted by identifying asset classes that are expected to outperform or underperform their longer term expectations in the near term. This is achieved by temporary overweighting or underweighting the components of the strategic asset allocations and key drivers are valuations, momentum, sentiment, macro-economic outlook and market analysis trends.
Risk Control Strategies
A series of strategies which target a volatility range which matches an asset allocation suitable for all types of investors from low risk to high risk.
Each investor’s attitude to risk is measured and they are then matched to a multi-asset strategy.
This strategy is controlled by measuring the volatility and capacity for loss and comparing it to our strategic benchmark.
Regularly we make updates to our strategies and incorporate any changes. This is communicated by a quarterly investment review.

For advice and implementation of investments which relate to more complex tax planning strategies.
We can provide advice and implement tax planning strategies to offer income tax relief, protection against capital gains tax and ensure your family won’t have to pay more inheritance tax than necessary on your estate.
More specifically we can help by providing tax planning solutions for the following scenarios:
- Reduce inheritance tax on your estate
- Property sale (not main home)
- Reducing income tax liability
- Selling shares
- Surrendering an investment bond tax efficiently
- Extracting profits from a business tax efficiently
- Sale of a business

Need to Talk To Someone?
Have your circumstances changed? Are you happy with your investments? Do you need help with planning your retirement lifestyle? Do you want to discuss inheritance tax implications? Are you considering changing things?
Contact Chris >